Baby Logan // Anchorage newborn photographer

I have been bestie’s with baby Logan’s auntie for ages. She is my person I call when I need someone to set me straight – or if I have a random opening in my schedule for a drink. She’s there.

So when Logan’s mom let me know the newborn photographer she used with her girls had stopped photographing babes, I was super excited to be able to create images of her newest baby boy!

And isn’t he just adorable?! He truly looks like a baby doll – i mean, those perfect little features! So precious!

Baby Logan gave me a run for my money. He was definitely not the sleepiest of babies. Sometimes littles one just have their own plans for their day. I am frequently asked the question by clients – what happens if my baby won’t sleep!? Well, I promise, even if your baby wants to stay awake, I will still be able to create beautiful photographs with you! You would never know that from our 3 hours session Logan slept for MAYBE 20 minutes. Because truly – that’s all I need!

I love all the blues we pulled into his session – that fluffy little nest kind of makes me want to curl up and take a nap too.

And since Grandma came along to hang out and help with his big sisters – we had to pull her in for a shot too!

Enjoy! And try not to catch baby fever looking at these… I dare you!











